Smidge® Optimal Probiotic is recommended for those who have used probiotics in the past and are at more advanced digestive healing stages. It contains the highest number of strains of all 3 formulas, so it is ideal for individuals looking to introduce a wider variety of bacteria to their regimen. It is our most comprehensive formula.
Please see below for our dosing recommendations for our Optimal Probiotic:
Infants: Use Smidge® Infant Probiotics only.
Children (Ages 6-12): Take one capsule daily with a meal (The capsule may be opened to give 1/2 at a time or smaller amounts in the beginning)
Sensitive individuals: For an even smaller dose, pull the capsule apart for only a portion of the powder or use Sensitive Probiotic Powder or capsules.
Adults: Start with 1 capsule and work up to 2 capsules daily with a meal.
This Probiotic is safe to take while Pregnant/Breastfeeding. Please be sure to reach out to your Certified Healthcare Professional about using supplements and their dosage while Pregnant or nursing.
How to take:
We recommend taking the probiotics in the morning, and most importantly with a meal. It is beneficial if the meal also contains some fat. Through our research, this is when we have found the best time for the probiotics to survive the stomach acid and reach the intestines where they belong. You may swallow the capsule(s) whole with water, or you may open the capsule and sprinkle the probiotic powder into a smoothie, or on top of yogurt, ghee, or applesauce.
Mixing the powder into liquids is not recommended.
Remember, A Smidge® is BIG! Our probiotics are very clean and pure, so remember to start low and slow when introducing them into your body.
Also be mindful of any changes in your body. Signs that you are taking too much of the probiotic show up as cold or flu-like symptoms: muscle aches, fatigue, brain fog, difficulty sleeping. They are called die-off symptoms. Other symptoms to look out for that can be especially prevalent in children are skin flareups or rashes (eczema, cradle cap, or acne), difficulty concentrating, and bowel movement changes.