Kakadu Plum, also known as gubinge or billygoat plum, is a small fruit found in the Eucalypt open woodlands across Northern Australia. This is the only place in the world that Kakadu Plum grows. It is pale green with a stone in the center and is tart and has a bitter taste.
In traditional Aboriginal medicine, Kakadu plums were used to aid with colds, flu, and headaches. The antiseptic and soothing properties of the berries can be made into a balm to soothe skin and tired muscles.
Kakadu plums have the highest recorded natural amount of Vitamin C than any other food in the world.
Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that protects the body from free radical damage. These nutrients help reduce oxidative stress, aids the immune system, and play a role in iron absorption, heart health, memory, cognition, and collagen synthesis.
Additionally, the Kakadu plum is a great source of copper and iron, which is used to form red blood cells, bones, connective tissue, enzymes as well as support fetal development and proper immune function. These minerals are needed to transport oxygen throughout the body and red blood cell production.
Kakadu plum contains 6 times the amount of polyphenols and almost 13 times more antioxidant activity than blueberries. Ellagic acid, also a polyphenol, is linked to many health benefits such as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and prebiotics effects. Other nutrients include flavonols, aromatic acids, anthocyanins, and lutein.
*Please speak with your healthcare practitioner before adding new supplements to your routine.
Smidge® Kakadu Plum contains no added ingredients and is far superior to ascorbic acid-based Vitamin C that comes from synthetic sources.
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